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A sophis­ti­cat­ed, haute cou­ture brand iden­ti­ty for Man­ches­ter’s pre­mier veg­an fash­ion house.

Fri­da Rome

Fri­da Rome — an inde­pen­dent Man­ches­ter-based veg­an fash­ion brand — asked us to design a stun­ning logo and iden­ti­ty that would describe the com­pa­ny, and look dis­tinc­tive adorn­ing their prod­ucts. The chal­lenge was to under­stand the moti­va­tions of the com­pa­ny, and design an iden­ti­ty that hold its own in an indus­try sat­u­rat­ed with well-estab­lished players.

Our solu­tion was to reimag­ine the tropes of the fash­ion indus­try, and pro­vide an iden­ti­ty that felt more hon­est, invit­ing, and aligned with the vision of the com­pa­ny’s two founders. The logo­type is a unique, cus­tomised ver­sion of Ter­mi­na Bold, cho­sen for its abil­i­ty to both cap­ture the key moti­va­tions of the com­pa­ny, and also look and feel dis­tinc­tive whether embossed, embroi­dered, or print­ed on prod­ucts made from a mul­ti­tude of veg­an materials.

The result is an iden­ti­ty that has helped to launch the com­pa­ny across the globe.

Frida rome logo and vegan bag product
Frida rome logo embossed on vegan bag product
Frida rome logo 2
Frida rome woman with bag 2
Frida rome tshirt
Frida rome logo storefront

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