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Mis­sion state­ments usu­al­ly start with a lot of beliefs.

Change is everything

Well, here’s some things we don’t believe:

We don’t believe in fate. We don’t believe in accept­ing norms. We don’t believe that you should do some­thing that way just because’. We don’t believe that today is as good as it gets. We don’t believe that what you have right now is nec­es­sar­i­ly the right solu­tion or the only solu­tion. And we cer­tain­ly don’t believe that things will always be the same.

We think it’s impor­tant to rede­fine the way things are done. We want to move design on, stretch it, and reshape it. We want to design things that have nev­er been seen before and will nev­er be seen again, not because it’s cool, or trendy, but because it’s nec­es­sary. We believe that cre­at­ing brands that are meant to last will help solve prob­lems, serve peo­ple, and build bet­ter com­mu­ni­ties. We believe in bend­ing the rules of the past so that we can mould a bet­ter future.

Fun­da­men­tal­ly, we believe in change.

Who are we

Wel­come to Umlaut

Hey up. Wel­come to our home, love­ly to have you. Let’s keep this sim­ple: you want a brand that will get you noticed by the cus­tomers you’d like to reach. We have the skills, exper­tise, and design knowl­edge to make that hap­pen. No bull­shit, no non­sense, just decent folk who are pas­sion­ate about design, brands, peo­ple, and com­pa­nies. It’s grand to meet you. Let’s make some­thing spe­cial together.

Ryan Tay­lor

Cre­ative Direction

Ryan is a sim­ple York­shire lad that nev­er set out to be a design­er or a busi­ness own­er, but even­tu­al­ly realised it was the thing he loved the most in the world. He worked for The Man for the best part of a decade head­ing up large teams in the finan­cial ser­vices indus­try. One day he woke up, felt a weird pain, and realised that a part of his soul was miss­ing. He swift­ly packed up his things and called it a day. Through years of grit, deter­mi­na­tion — and as he’ll freely admit — sheer luck, he taught him­self graph­ic design, the art of brand­ing, then front- and back­end devel­op­ment, and most impor­tant­ly, fell in love with peo­ple, their moti­va­tions, and sto­ry­telling. Umlaut was born out of a need to do things dif­fer­ent­ly, and almost a decade lat­er, he’s well regard­ed for his no non­sense, hon­est approach to his craft.

Amelia Stevens

Client Rela­tions

Amelia her­alds from the States, mov­ing to Britain to be with her hus­band. She joined Umlaut at the begin­ning of 2021 — in the mid­dle of that pret­ty insignif­i­cant, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, glob­al pan­dem­ic — and in the time since, has been dili­gent­ly pro­fes­sion­al­is­ing the team, and build­ing sol­id rela­tion­ships with clients.

Elliot Ander­son

Graph­ic Design

Elliot is the newest mem­ber of the team, and comes with more strings to his bow than Robin Hood. With tal­ents in print, dig­i­tal, social, and adver­tis­ing, Elliot is an incred­i­ble all-rounder who con­stant­ly amazes and delights in every­thing that he does. With expe­ri­ence work­ing for some of the biggest brands in the world, both at oth­er agen­cies and in-house, Elliot can work at any lev­el and hit the nail on the head every, sin­gle time. It makes you sick, does­n’t it.

David Driscoll


David is one of those real­ly annoy­ing peo­ple that is seem­ing­ly good at every­thing. It’s often said that design­ers and devel­op­ers are like chalk and cheese, that their skills are so impos­si­bly dif­fer­ent that one per­son could nev­er do both. Apart from a point­less attempt at putting peo­ple in box­es, it’s also untrue. David has a deep appre­ci­a­tion for design, a keen under­stand­ing of user expe­ri­ence, and an abil­i­ty to craft effi­cient and beau­ti­ful web­sites, apps, and dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences. Annoy­ing­ly tal­ent­ed he may be, but my god are we glad to have him.

Rebec­ca Revill


Rebec­ca is the sec­ond York­shire per­son on the team, orig­i­nal­ly from Sheffield, and just glad more than any­thing to have left all those hills behind. With a keen eye for cre­ativ­i­ty, a smile that lights up rooms, and ideas that cap­ture the heart, soul, and sto­ry of any pro­duc­tion, she brings anoth­er lev­el of awe­some to the table.

Mila Cel­li­er

Motion & Animation

Mila joined us straight from uni­ver­si­ty, with a whole host of fresh ideas to add to the team. Her pas­sions lie in film and motion design, and has quick­ly become a much request­ed part of the team as ani­ma­tion becomes ever more required in brand­ing and marketing.

Mark Heenan

Oper­a­tions & Services

Tak­ing next steps and invest­ing in your busi­ness can be a lit­tle scary. The impor­tance of meet­ing Umlaut and ask­ing them to design a web­site that would allow me to have the full respect of all clien­tele has basi­cal­ly made my busi­ness. Flaw­less pro­fes­sion­al­ism and atten­tion to every detail.

Bjorn Wood­hall — The Cassettes

What is an Umlaut anyway?

Glad you asked.

An umlaut is a lin­guis­tic sym­bol used in Ger­man­ic lan­guages. It’s the two dots you find over the vow­els in words like käfer’, vögel’, and even the rather beau­ti­ful Fußgängerübergänge’ (it means, rather dis­ap­point­ing­ly — pedes­tri­an crossings’).

When used in a word, an umlaut changes how that word is pro­nounced and what it means. Put sim­ply: an umlaut changes things, and because of that, giv­en our pro­cliv­i­ties towards doing things a lit­tle dif­fer­ent to oth­ers, it per­fect­ly sym­bol­is­es every­thing that we stand for.

It’s also hard to pro­nounce, a word with which most peo­ple are unfa­mil­iar, and it needs quite a lot of explain­ing to understand.

In nam­ing our­selves such, we’ve bro­ken prob­a­bly all the rules of brand­ing that there are. It’s what we do.
