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A unique identity for a brand new beauty company.

Mirror Aesthetics

Mir­ror Aes­thet­ics — an aes­thet­ics and beau­ty com­pa­ny based in cen­tral Man­ches­ter — asked us to cre­ate a unique brand iden­ti­ty that would ele­vate the com­pa­ny above it com­peti­tors and speak direct­ly to its tar­get audi­ence. As well as brand­ing, we cre­at­ed a range of dif­fer­ent mar­ket­ing col­lat­er­al includ­ing mock-up facias to aid with the shop fit out. The chal­lenge was to cre­ate an iden­ti­ty that aligned with the com­pa­ny founder, pre­vi­ous­ly a key play­er in anoth­er Man­ches­ter beau­ty brand — The Brazil­ian Wax­ing Com­pa­ny, who was keen to cre­ate a moral­ly astute and eth­i­cal­ly prac­tic­ing beau­ty busi­ness, and ampli­fy the brand in an already crowd­ed industry.

Our solu­tion was to use a mod­ern appli­ca­tion of bold pho­tog­ra­phy, typog­ra­phy, and colours, to cre­ate a brand iden­ti­ty that stands head and shoul­ders above oth­ers in the mar­ket. The iden­ti­ty speaks direct­ly to Gen Z and Alpha and works per­fect­ly in a social media set­ting — we had to ensure that Mir­ror Aes­thet­ics was gen­uine, and didn’t fall into the some­times bad prac­tices of the indus­try by por­tray­ing images of results that are sim­ply unob­tain­able. Gra­di­ent wash­es cre­at­ed stand-out moments, and metal­lic fea­tures cre­at­ed tex­ture and interest.

The result was a mod­ern, vibrant, and ener­getic brand that has the poten­tial to stand up against the giants of this industry.

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