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An app that reintroduces joy into moving home.

Chain Reaction

Chain Reac­tion — a brand new SaaS ser­vice that aims to help you move home — asked us to design and devel­op their brand­ing, includ­ing iden­ti­ty and strat­e­gy, as well as design and devel­op a web­site to pro­mote the app, and design and devel­op the app itself. This is the biggest project we have ever worked on, incor­po­rat­ing all aspects of the agency from design through to devel­op­ment. The chal­lenge was to cre­ate an expe­ri­ence that appeals to a large tar­get mar­ket (buy­ers, sell­ers, estate agents, and con­veyancers), that would be easy-to-use so that using the app does­n’t add to the anx­i­ety of mov­ing house, but instead alle­vi­ates it.

Along­side the app’s founder — Nan­cy Lamb — we cre­at­ed a solu­tion that brings full chain vis­i­bil­i­ty to the user, so that you can be absolute­ly cer­tain when you are going to move, if there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of chain col­lapse, and under­stand just how the chain is devel­op­ing from ini­tial­ly show­ing an inter­est in a prop­er­ty to exchang­ing and unlock­ing the front door for the very first time.

Chain Reaction. Make your move.
Chain Reaction log in screen
Chain Reaction app screens
Chain Reaction feature icons

This full-scale project has been many years in the mak­ing, and has the poten­tial to rad­i­cal­ly improve the way we buy and sell prop­er­ties. The app is a full-scale pro­gres­sive web app (PWA) built using the Nuxt 3 frame­work, to har­ness the very lat­est in web tech­nolo­gies so that it is per­for­mant, respon­sive for all screen sizes from mobile to desk­top, and can be used agnos­ti­cal­ly across all plat­forms and browsers both sat at a work­sta­tion, or on the move.

The project has cur­rent­ly reached min­i­mum viable prod­uct (MVP), and the first tranche of beta testers and pro­vid­ing feed­back on their expe­ri­ence. We are delight­ed to con­tin­ue work­ing close­ly with Nan­cy to bring new fea­tures to the app.

Primary screens from the Chain Reaction app
Chain Creator
Property Actions
Chain Chat

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